Myluxshirt - Men playing Soccer It’s not just a Hobby It’s my Escape from reality shirt

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“International sales have definitely increased,” Ankita says. Over the Men playing Soccer It’s not just a Hobby It’s my Escape from reality shirt moreover I love this last month, they’ve seen days where traffic to their site grew by 700% compared to the average number of visits prior to the show’s release. And those who head to THERE!’s page will encounter a widget at the bottom of the site alerting them every so often to which items are being purchased and where the shoppers are based. It subtly suggests the possibility of joining a far-flung international tribe of like-minded people with origins spanning Denver to Dublin, two real-life examples that popped up during a recent visit. “I thought it was engaging and such a great, subtle marketing technique,” Ankita says of the button, which she added to the site back in February despite Gayatri’s initial skepticism (she’s since come around). “When people see things popping up here and there all the time, they’re like, ‘What the hell is happening on this website? We want in, buddy!’” Ankita adds.

Men playing Soccer It's not just a Hobby It's my Escape from reality shirt

The sisters are navigating this influx of new international customers at the Men playing Soccer It’s not just a Hobby It’s my Escape from reality shirt moreover I love this same time as they’ve had to make adjustments to their business due to the pandemic. “We shut up shop immediately,” Ankita says, adding that she and her sister have taken extra precautions these last several months and rarely leave their family home. But they’re quick to add how fortunate they feel and how their cabin fever is nothing compared to the hardships faced by their vendors and artisans—the tailors, embroiderers, and other laborers whose work has dried up and left them and their families, many of whom remain far away in rural parts of the country, without needed income, food, and other essentials. “That’s been the biggest struggle for us,” Gayatri says. Maintaining relationships with local craftspeople and vendors is extremely important to them. “Both of us really try to create an environment around us where people feel secure,” Ankita says.

Men playing Soccer It's not just a Hobby It's my Escape from reality s Hoodie


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